Monday, March 16, 2009

The move to Suffolk

We are now living in Suffolk and so far we haven't seen the sun since we got here. It is nasty wet, cold rain. Walking dogs in the rain has never been my favorite thing and it is becoming something I truly hate, especially when a certain two year old Schnoodle won't do her business in a timely manner!

We all love the new house, we will have to get used to being further away from everything but I think everyone pretty much agrees that it is worth the drive. It is so quiet out here. Even though it was rainy Savanna and Erik took a walk last night and found the two fishing piers in the neighborhood. Savanna said one was a swamp - no fishing going on there but the other one is really nice. Ryan and Ben came over last night and while Erik was here we put all the boys to work (Matt was working) and hung the big tv on the wall. I must admit it scares me a bit to see that big 'ole thing hanging there, I keep thinking it is going to fall off. It was lucky that all the boys were here because we needed everyone of them to help. That was quite a job getting that tv hung. Of course Savanna and I just sat on the couch cringing thinking something was going to fall.

We have most of our stuff in our new house, we will be finishing up cleaning out the old place today. The movers didn't pack up any of the bathrooms so that is the main thing that has to be done, besides some things in the garage. The important stuff is unpacked here at the new place - the kitchen. Hopefully I will have a picture or two in the next week or so. Cross your fingers for the rain to GO AWAY!!

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