Ryan's birthday was actually Thursday but Brad was out to sea so we decided to wait and celebrate it after Brad got home. Ryan had plans with his friends for all of Saturday so it was decided we would celebrate on Sunday. Then Brad thought he had to work on Sunday but thankfully they called and he didn't have to go in. So, after Matt got off work we all went to a place called American Indoor Karting. It is like go carts only they go really fast (unless you are Savanna) LOL Just kidding - love you Savanna!! After everyone got a briefing (which consisted of a bored worker reading a sign to us) we headed out to the pit. Now, again, when I say "we" I'm not including myself. I was just along to take the pictures! They all had a good time, I think the first heat was a little intense for Savanna but by the second heat she had a really good time. I was glad that I had once again wimped out of something, I would have been a real basket case out there! They only ran two races and then we went to Lynnhaven Fish House for dinner. Ryan loves seafood and one of my clients graciously gave me a generous gift certificate so I was able to treat which really makes me happy. They put us in a quiet (until we got there of course) little alcove by ourselves and we wondered if they knew about us before we got there. Our family tends to get a little loud when we are together, we didn't get too bad though. Dinner was absolutely delicious, I don't think I've ever seen Ryan eat so much! We still haven't had birthday cake, that will be later this week when Brad gets home again. I think Ryan had a great birthday!
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