Brad came home from his latest "at sea" period on Friday (14th) so it was time to get the tree and pull out the decorations. We had planned on waiting for Savanna to get out of dance on Saturday but the weather was looking bleak (it was supposed to start raining at any time) and we didn't want to wait another day due to the fact that Brad was probably going to have to work on Sunday and then he was going back out to sea until Tuesday evening. I have a portrait sitting here on Wednesday so Brad and I wound up getting our tree all by ourselves - all the kids were either working or dancing. It did start raining right as we chose the tree and I wimped out and got into the car while Brad handled the rest. Since we sold the truck we wound up taking Matt's little SUV to get it. We tied it to the top (yeah, I say "we" like I was actually involved in that!) and went very slow all the way home. Luckily we weren't far from home so we didn't make too many people mad!
When Savanna got home she and Brad decorated the tree and I did what I do best - tell them how to do it and take pictures! Roxie was so much fun, she thought the ornaments were balls and we let her play with one and she loved batting it around until it shattered. It's okay, no one was hurt! She was then fascinated with the balls on the tree and the lights. It was almost as much fun as having a little kid join us! It is tradition that Matthew put the star on - after all he can reach it better than anyone else! Here's a few pics, the one of Roxie in her sweater was a hoot, trying to get the sweater on her was quite an adventure. What is Christmas without a little bit of torturing the dog with silly outfits?
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