Hey kids! I thought it would be fun for me to write every day and let you know what all we are doing. I will also be posting pictures.
As you know, Dad left home about 6:15 am on the bike. I went the cozy way and flew to Hartford, CT with Lee. Lee and I arrived in Hartford after riding a "puddle jumper" (seated only 35 people - we're talking little - you can imagine how I enjoyed that!) Lee and I picked up our rental car and went over to her brother Ralph's house where her mom was staying. Her mom, Beverly, Lee and I then went and had lunch - at 4 o'clock. We ate at a place called Giovanni's which was a little mom and pop pizza place. It was very good. We then headed over to Lee's sister's house. Her name is Deb. She is a real hoot I really enjoyed her and the rest of Lee's family too. Deb has a daughter who came over, her name is Joanna and she is an upcoming junior at Manhattan College in NYC. She is at her mom's for the summer. We only heard from the guys at 10:30 and then again at 4:00 when Dave called Lee to say that they were 120 miles from Hartford. Well, about 7:30 we were beginning to get a little worried. All the sudden I heard Harleys and looked out - we were sitting on a screened porch - and we see them come rolling into the condo subdivision entrance. YAY!! They had been stuck in traffic for over 2 hours outside of NYC. But they were here and we were glad!
After the guys relaxed a little we headed out for dinner there in Glastonbury which is the name of the town that Lee's family lives in. We had a really good time. After dinner we headed over to Nick's house (Nick is Lee's oldest son) where we were staying the night. We headed into the bedroom and I crashed! I'd been up since 5 and was exhausted! Dad took a shower and then joined me we slept until 7:45 the next morning planning on leaving for New Hampshire in the morning.
The group picture is (left to right) Dave, Lee, Deb (Lee's sister), Beverly (Lee's mom), Joanna (Lee's niece/Deb's daughter) and you know the rest. :-)
Miles covered: approx 539.7
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