Well, we finally made it to Maine. We left the condo and it was sunny and fairly warm - for here anyway :-). We ate breakfast and then headed down the "Kanc" for Maine. We took a different route this time and made it in 3 hours. As we headed more south the clouds thickened up and it got cold. We thought it was going to rain again but thankfully we did stay dry, although it was very cold.
We rode to Maine to a place called Perkins Cove. It had some beautiful scenery. It was a small fishing village that had some quaint little shops. We ate at a restaurant there for lunch and then went for a walk on the Marginal Way. The Marginal Way is a little walkway that runs along the top cliffs of the shore. It was a gorgeous walk and the scenery was exactly what you see in books of Maine. Well worth the effort we put into getting there! The sun broke out towards the end of our walk but quickly went back in before we left. We had the best ice cream of the week at a little shop in the village. We also saw a real Maine lobsterman working. He looked like the Gorton's fisherman! See for yourself!
We left under cloudy conditions once again and as we drove more north and west the sun broke through and it was beautiful again. We ate dinner in C0nway and by the time we left there it was dark and cold once again so we bundled up in our suits and headed back down the Kanc to our condo. We were all pretty cold by the time we got back.
I'm headed to TN tomorrow morning!
Total miles covered today: 255
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