Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

We had a really nice day today. We went to church this morning and it was a great service. Matthew went to his church in Chesapeake, but the rest of us went together at Nansemond River. We don't have little kids so there was no Easter egg hunt, or dyeing of eggs but we still had a good time being together. I wanted us to eat outside and since our table is right in the sun I decided to have it ready more towards the evening when the sun isn't so hot. Brad made his incredible ribs and I made the side dishes and dessert. Ryan took me for a quick ride in his new car and it was a lot of fun although he did scare me a little bit :-) Ryan's roommates, Ben and Aaron, joined us and it was nice having them here with us. I had bought each of the kids a big Dove chocolate egg and I made the mistake of giving them to the kids before dinner. Well, Ben ate his egg and also a bunch of spinach dip and then couldn't finish his plate of food. What was so funny is that I have never seen Ben get bested by food. He can always eat more - he blamed it on me and said I shouldn't have given him the egg before dinner - I know now, Ben!!

Aaron trying to scare me into not taking his picture - yeah, not that easy Aaron!

HOTT-IE! :-)

Ryan and Ben - waiting for dinner

Roxie and Lexie

Matt - needing a haircut

Roxie can't breathe, 'Nana!

Savanna and Ryan - fighting over the spinach dip

After dinner activity

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