I had the privilege of flying to Tennessee to see family for the past 5 days. I had a great time and got to see a lot of my family. Dale and Linda came and ate dinner with us one night and then Mom and I ate dinner with Mary at Ruby Tuesday one night. I also got to see Mary's dad, Buster, on Sunday when Mom and I went over and saw their new house (it's really nice) and picked up some James Patterson books that they are letting me borrow. I've already read through almost two of them. The Friday after I got there Jen and I took the kids to Build - a - Bear and Auntie treated them each to a Build - a - bear. They aren't bears though, Claire got a bunny she named Sally and Sam got a chick that he named Troy. Saturday Jennifer, Mom and I went dress shopping for Mom's dress to wear to Jessica's wedding. We had a great time and were quite successful and even had the time and energy to get her shoes too. Here are a few pictures from my visit. Look at the chins on that first one of Sam and Claire. Can you tell they are brother and sister? Of course we had to get some with the daffodils in LR and Moira's yard too.