Jack with his daddy - Steve

He loved the toy that Santa gave him

Quick power nap

Nonnie (LeeAnn) with Jack

Santa, Gina and Jack

I went with LeeAnn, Nan, Gina, and Steve and of course Jack to Lake Taylor's Breakfast with Santa this morning. LeeAnn is the Human Resource director at the hospital and her department is in charge of the activities for the employees. They put on a great breakfast with Santa. I was along as Jack's personal photographer - haha! Lee is so sweet to share her little grandson with me, he is absolutely one of the best babies I've ever seen. They say he gets cranky but I've never seen it. He can be passed around by relatives and strangers alike and still smile and be sweet. When he gets tired he pops his thumb in his mouth, takes a quick power nap and he is good to go for another few hours. I saw him at Nick's wedding get passed around like crazy and he never complained - what a trooper. Here are some of the pictures I took - he is a cutie! And much cuter than the dogs which is what you usually get on here! LOL