Sunday, November 29, 2009

Beautiful November Sunset

We set aside this evening to take our Christmas card picture. I'm not REAL happy with the way they turned out but I went ahead and used them and got the cards ordered. I need to get them out early this year since we once again have a new address. Since the sunset was so gorgeous we walked down to the neighborhood fishing pier and took these pictures. Getting the dogs to look at the camera without someone over there talking to them wasn't easy but we did get one fairly good one of all of us. These aren't the pictures I used for the Christmas card although I like them better :-)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving '09

We have had a good day. Very busy morning and early afternoon and a very quiet late afternoon. The kids had their fourth annual Thanksgiving Paintball game early this morning. I went along to take some pictures and Brad played the first two rounds. Brad and I then had to head back to the house to finish dinner. The kids started strolling back in about 1:30 and we wound up eating about 2:30. Poor Lance had another dinner to go to with some friends so he was probably still pretty full by the time he had to eat again.

We wound up with 8 for dinner, which was fun. We enjoyed using our dining room table. It was refinished back in the spring and we hadn't used it because I didn't have a pad for it. I got a pad this week, so we could use it. We were pretty squeezed around it though. I need to have a couple more leaves made. Anyway, here's some pictures from the Paintball extravaganza. Brad won the final round of paintball. Well, the final round that he played, we had to leave early.
The whole gang
Ryan being Ryan
Ryan helping out his sister
Savanna looking big and bad
Savanna in action
Ryan in action
Savanna had a paintball to hit her helmet and splash in her hair
Victorious Brad
Savanna and Lance
Brad and Ryan
The dogs love Thanksgiving too

More in the facebook album

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

One more from the wedding

I actually stole this picture off CeCe's facebook. I added my own little touches (like making it black and white and bringing up the exposure). But, I thought it was a good pic of the four of us and wanted to share :-)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nick and CeCe got married!

The last stop on our 10 day trip was Simsbury, Connecticut. That part of the trip was actually the only one that had been planned since about September. The DC trip didn't come up until the middle of October and of course we didn't plan on Niagara Falls until the day we left to go up there.

CeCe was a beautiful bride and Nick a handsome groom. Nick is my friend, Lee's oldest son. He met CeCe (her full name is Catherine Cecelia - I don't know if that is spelled right), last fall and they knew pretty quickly that they were THE ONES :-) CeCe is not only beautiful on the outside but on the inside as well, Lee is quite the lucky lady!

The wedding was at The Riverview and it was a beautiful venue. I had a great time just being a guest this time. Although of course I had one of my cameras with me and managed to take a few shots. I tried my best to stay out of the way of the paid photographer, I know how frustrating it is when the guests with cameras are in the way. I didn't get yelled at so I guess I was out of the way enough :-) Here's a few shots from the wedding the rest are in my facebook album

The Kiss!
Dave and Jack
Lee and Dave with Jack

Lee dancing with her handsome son, Nick
Admiring the ring

Lee with her daughter, Gina
Dave and Lee

Friday, November 6, 2009

Niagara Falls

Brad and I woke up on Thursday, said good bye to Ryan who had to head back home to work, and we had to figure out the rest of our plans. We didn't have to be in Connecticut until Saturday so what to do? Why go to Niagara Falls of course! We had talked briefly about it before the bone marrow thing came up and at that point decided we couldn't do it. After they changed the donation date to the 4th we didn't think much about it then either. So, Thursday morning we realized that it would be the perfect time to go. We drove up on Thursday. It was a beautiful ride, although it probably would have been prettier a couple of weeks ago, we still enjoyed it. Neither of us have ever been to this part of the country before so we are enjoying it. We went to the falls today and they were absolutely stunning! God is so awesome to create such beauty for us! I was disappointed that we couldn't go to the Canadian side. I have always wanted to go into Canada - especially since I was born there - and to be this close and not get to go was a bit disappointing. Neither of us had our passports because we hadn't planned on coming here when we left Virginia. But, we still had a great time and have really enjoyed this little diversion. Tomorrow we head for another beautiful part of our country - Connecticut. Looking forward to Nick and Cece's wedding!

The National Zoo

On Tuesday we went to the National Zoo. We got off the metro and ate at a cute little Italian trattoria on Connecticut Ave in DC. It was quite a trek up a hill to the zoo but after resting a few times we made it. I mainly wanted to see the giant pandas, and luckily they were near the entrance. We wandered around the giant panda area and I was getting increasingly frustrated because I thought we weren't going to see the pandas. We walked long enough and finally found the indoor exhibit. I loved seeing the pandas, they were so cute!

Arlington National Cemetery

The first two days we were in Washington DC it was rainy and miserable so we didn't do anything much but hang out in the hotel room. On Sunday we did go to a huge mall in Tysons Corner. We needed to do a little wedding gift shopping and it seemed the perfect time with the weather being so bad.

On Monday we headed out to Arlington National Cemetery. We have been to DC a few times and we had never been to the cemetery. We really loved it. I was beginning to feel a bit fatigued from the shots but they had a trolley so we rode that for most of the visit. The Changing of the Guard ceremony was so impressive and awe inspiring. Those soldiers looked so young! They were just babies! We went there first because that was the most important thing we wanted to see. Other areas of interest were the eternal flame where President John F. Kennedy is buried and the white wooden cross that marks Robert Kennedy is buried.

More photos can be found in my facebook album:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Be the Match

(I wrote the first part of this the night before I was to donate but our internet connection wasn't very good so I finished it tonight 48 hours after donation) Last July while I was visiting with my mom in Tennessee, I got a phone call from the Bone Marrow Center. I was a match! Wow! That was quite exciting! A match for what you say? Well, my cheek swab showed that I matched a 50 year old man suffering from a form of leukemia who needs a bone marrow transplant to save his life. Wow - again! I cannot imagine my ever having the opportunity to save a person's life - what an honor! How did I get on this registry to be matched to begin with? That happened about 4 years ago when Brad was skipper of VRC-40. He arranged a bone marrow drive in the squadron - giving his sailors special liberty for anyone who signed up on the registry. So, our whole family went in and registered too. It was so easy, the flight surgeon just swabbed my cheek with a cotton swab and I filled out a health questionnaire. That was it - until last July.

Tonight I find myself sitting in Washington DC getting ready to donate bone marrow tomorrow. Most people think that they put you out and put a needle in your hip - not so! Although there are some bone marrow donations that still use that method, the method that is being used with me is called PBSC or peripheral blood circulating cell donation. I started on Saturday the 31st getting a shot of Filgrastim in each arm. I did that for 4 days and on the 5th day (Wednesday, Nov 4th) I got my last two shots and then they hooked me up to an aphresis machine. This machine moved 18 liters of blood out one arm into the machine where it separated the bone marrow cells and also some plasma and then pumped the blood back into my arm. I was very blessed and had very few side effects. The shots can give some pretty miserable side effects but I mainly was very fatigued and a bit of bone pain in my arms, back and sternum but nothing that Extra Strength Tylenol couldn't take care of. The actual donation left me pretty weak but two days after donation I am feeling pretty good with just a bit of fatigue left. It is a very simple process and it didn't cost me anything but time and a little discomfort. I highly recommend getting on the registry. The more that are on it the more people can be saved. Brad insisted on taking a couple of pictures of me during the donation so I will include them but not because I like them - I actually hate the pictures but it shows how easy it was. We watched two movies and it was over! I went back to the hotel room and slept a little while. Brad and Ryan, who had come to spend time with us, went to Arlington Cemetery. That's it. Brad and I did some sightseeing on the days that weren't raining while we were here and those blog entries will follow.
The bag is the bone marrow cells
I wouldn't look at Brad cause I didn't want my picture taken.

Be the Match!