Well, here we are in Washington DC at the Dance Masters of America National Competition. By "we" I mean Savanna, Linda, and me. The rest of our family is sitting out this trip due to the fact that we are all going to TX for a week in August. We will be here for a week. Savanna will have competition in the mornings and workshops and classes all afternoon. I am planning on catching up on some sleep (although so far that hasn't worked out too well since it is 6:23 and I woke up at 5:00 this morning and wasn't able to get back to sleep - GRRRR). I also brought lots of work with me that will keep me busy when I am not at the pool.
Our stay here did not start on a good note. It is unbelieveable how many people are here in the hotel and also in this area. I stood in line for an hour and a half waiting to check in yesterday. There were no carts (we could wait for a bellman but that was another 2 hour wait) so we had to make several trips from the parking garage to our room with all the stuff it requires for 2 girls to dance for a week and 3 females to live for a week. Thankfully Amy and her mom helped us out on our last trip out to the car - we were so grateful for that! Then when it came time for dinner there was a 2 hour wait just to get seated at all the restaurants anywhere within walking distance of the hotel. We finally got seated and it was another hour before we got our food. I was wishing we had stayed in the room and had sandwiches! We can expect it to be like this here until Sunday evening then we are hoping things will lighten up. This morning Savanna will be dancing her solo and there will be a group dance (Lion King) this afternoon. We are hoping to see fireworks tonight but we were hoping for that last night too but we were waiting for our food and could only hear the booms. The picture of the girls is (l to r) Savanna, Jessica Padgett, Linda, Amanda Lowe and Amy Parrish. Charlotte Parrish is the other mom with me. Despite the beginning of our week, we are expecting a fun week ahead!