Well, I haven't had any internet since Friday night, as you can imagine it drove me crazy!! ANYWAY, the final tally was Savanna danced 7 dances and received 7 Platinums! Unbelievable. Every one of those girls in the company just stepped up and danced their hearts out yesterday. Savanna got her first solo Platinum which was very exciting! The dance that the girls did in February with no music (not on purpose, the music guy goofed up) got the highest score of the entire competition (299.9 out of 300 points). The studio got a big trophy for that one. I was so glad that one did so well, I felt they should have gotten a platinum back in February so it was nice that it was recognized this weekend. Brad and I are on our way to have dinner with Dave and Lee, we haven't seen them this weekend and I know she has lots of grandbaby pictures for me. I'll write more later. BTW, Savanna doesn't usually dress the way she is dressed in the pictures, she was dressed for the next dance - which by the way also got a special judges award.