Wow! What a day we had! By 6:00 in the evening as we were leaving Old Town San Diego I told your dad I couldn't believe it had only been that morning that we had left Granny at the airport in Norfolk. I was bone tired. But we have had a good start to our time here in San Diego. Our flights were all on time, YAY! We have only had one glitch in our plans so far, the car rental didn't have a convertible for us even though we had reserved one - not happy about that one but we are hoping to get one for our weekend trip up the Pacific Coast Highway. We will keep bugging them until they find one for us. I can't help but think of Seinfeld when we don't get the car we reserved. What is the point of a RESERVATION?? Anyway, they put us in a 300M which added salt to the wound cause I think they are the ugliest cars on the road. They said it was a luxury car but there isn't even climate control! Ah well, at least it has automatic windows. :-) ANYWAY, our next stop was the lodge and they had a room but it was on the "noisy" side of the lodge so they said if we wanted to come back at 3 they would have a nicer room on the other side of the lodge. Okay, that sounded pretty good, it wasn't a very pretty place for a lodge it looked like it was in the middle of a shipyard, but the grounds of the lodge were nicely kept and looked pretty and we had heard that the rooms were nice. So, we decide to go over to Coronado to kill time until 3. Coronado is the island that the naval station is on. Dad showed me where the ship is docked and also showed me VRC30. So, since the Navy Lodge Coronado was over near VRC30 and we had been told to check with them because sometimes they have cancellations and you can get in we decided to stop and ask. Sure enough they had availabilility for Tues - Thurs. This is the lodge that is on the beach so we decided to take it and "wing it" for the rest of the time. We have plans to be gone Fri and Saturday nights anyway cause we are taking the trip up the PCH. Plus they said that they have lots of cancellations and to check back with them every day and they can probably get us in. Okay, so we got settled into our room and then headed down to Old Town San Diego. What a cool place! Our first stop was at a little shop called Miranda's Courtyard. WOW! I loved it, all the bright colors and pottery. It is lucky we don't live here cause I would be loading up on that pottery! It was the neatest little shop. After walking around a little bit we found the Mexican restaurant that Dad has been wanting to take me to for 10 years. It was really cool, they had little Mexican ladies making the tortillas by hand, everything was super good. We then walked around a little more until I told Dad I was done and needed to go back to the lodge. That was our first day. Our second day we plan on working (me in the room and Dad on the ship) and then after work we are going to a place called Balboa Park where there are museums and stuff like that. We are going to get a week pass and probably just check out the stuff there every day after work. This weekend we plan on our trip and then Sunday a trip to the San Diego Zoo - can't wait for that! Love you guys!