Monday, October 22, 2007

Onboard the GW

Brad had to go in yesterday and get some helicopters on board for their deployment and asked Savanna and me if we wanted to go and watch. (the boys were both working) OF COURSE we did!! Savanna had never been on a carrier before so she really loved it. It was nice to see where Brad works and where he lives when he is onboard. We saw his stateroom, which is quite small, but he has his own bathroom (rank does have its privileges!), we then went to the tower and watched him work a bit and then when it was time for the helicopters to come aboard Savanna and I went out to the "vulture's row" to watch. It was awesome! Afterwards, Brad showed Savanna the "bridge" and the galley. And then we went out to the flight deck and the helicopter crews let Savanna sit in the helicopter. She had a very good day!

New vehicle and homecoming

Wow! I can't believe I haven't updated in so long! There hasn't been a whole lot going on. I'll catch up a little bit. Ryan sold his 1995 Eclipse about a month ago and bought a 1988 Suzuki Samurai (I really don't know how that is spelled!) It is a lot different vehicle than what he was driving but he is having a great time mudding with Josh and Heather and is looking forward to doing some beach riding as well. This picture was AFTER he washed it!

Savanna went to homecoming last weekend (at Norfolk Christian Academy) with a group of friends. Unfortunately I was shooting a wedding and Brad was out to sea for the day so neither of us were able to see her all dressed up. But she took pictures and I am posting one here. She looked beautiful! From left to right is Morgan (who was her "date", he asked her to be his guest since he is a student there), Savanna, David, Natalie, and Diana. David, Natalie, Diana, and Savanna are the youth group seniors this year.